Parent Survey
Welcome to the start of another year as a member of the Somers Science Research community! We are excited to begin this new year with a new group of students joining us as they start their journey and returning students who are continuing the amazing work they are undertaking. This page is designed to simply remind you of a few important things regarding the Science Research course, invite you to become a part of the Somers Science Research Foundation (parent group), and collect some basic information from you.
Here is some general information that is important to note:
- The research class is a 3-year science elective and is taken in addition to a main science course.
- Science Research students must complete 3.5 hours of outside research related activities during every week for credit.
- Every research student must meet with the research teacher for an Independent Progress Evaluation (minimum of 2 per quarter), so that progress may be evaluated and new individual goals set.
- Core courses MUST be the priority and that every research student understands the extra work this research course will add to the weekly workload.
- There is a high likelihood that research will need to be conducted during the summer break. This will ultimately be decided by the nature of the research.
- The combination of attempting to become a research student and maintaining a full-time summer job or traveling for an extensive part of the summer may NOT be a realistic combination (Unless you are able to do the research while you are traveling or at your summer location)
- It takes a lot of dedication and time to become well versed in an area of research to be able to approach potential mentors in an effort to work under their guidance.
- Although some of the research students do summer research in the Westchester area, many of the students do their research in New York City. Transportation and costs are the responsibility of the student.
- The success of the students in this course is largely due to their work ethic but partially due to the support (especially transportation) of the parents.
Because the long-term commitment this program entails, it is important to maintain a robust support community for students and parents alike. Please read the Somers Science Research Mission Statement (CLICK HERE) and fill out the following:
If you would like to be a member of the Somers Science Research Foundation (optional), your $20 membership contribution will go a long way toward making your student’s research journey a fun and successful one.
To become a member, CLICK HERE. For non-membership donations, CLICK HERE. You may also make your membership contribution through MySchoolBucks.
Please direct any questions about the Foundation to [email protected]
Thank you for your support!!
To become a member, CLICK HERE. For non-membership donations, CLICK HERE. You may also make your membership contribution through MySchoolBucks.
Please direct any questions about the Foundation to [email protected]
Thank you for your support!!
By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read the course expectation sheet, calendar of important events, and I understand the requirements of the Somers Science Research Program:
Thank you and we look forward to another wonderful year in the Somers Science Research Program!!